En AEGEE Bilbao no queremos que te quedes este verano en casa. Por eso vamos a ayudarte a que elijas la Summer University que prefieras. Hoy presentamos las SU que comienzan en junio. El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes termina el 30 de abril.
Gate of heroes. AEGEE-Antalya
Del 14 al 28 de junio. Language Course (Beginner). 140€ + 40€ opcionales. 30 plazas.
Would you like to live in the site one of the oldest places in Anatolia? Would you like to swim in the Mediterranean Sea while learning Turkish? Do you want to taste famous Turkish Rakı and delicious meal of Turkish cuisine? And are you bored with the cold weather in your country? Let’s sunbath on the one of the best beaches of the Mediterranean Sea? Do you want to enjoy of the sun while your firends are skiing on the mountain 30 minutes far from you and see the most historical places of Anatolia? Would you like to learn about Turkish culture? so what are you waiting for? Come and join!!!!
Europe has no borders. AEGEE-Ogre y AEGEE-Minsk
Del 17 de junio al 3 del julio. Travel Summer University visitando Ogre, Riga, Usma, Jurmala, Sigulda, Minsk, Mir, Nesvizh y Zaslavl’. 207€ + 30€ opcionales. 30 plazas.
Do you know where Europe ends this summer? How you ever experienced the magic of nordic fern-flower? What do you know about mysterious Belarus? Don`t bother your mind – all these questions & lots more will be discovered this summer in Latvia & Belarus! We`ll combine two things in one: being wild & responsible in one SU. We`ll start with a conference where you`ll discover physical & mental borders of Europe.. in 5 days time!
But afterwards the real SU will start with Midsummer Night celebration in Latvia & other crazy parties till sunrise! In the end you will experience great Belarusian fun.
Jump into Latvian summer – 4ever young, 4ever active. AEGEE-Riga
Del 19 de junio al 2 de julio. Summer Event visitando Riga, Saulkrasti, Sigulda, Gauja National Park. 130€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.
We know what You want to do this summer…
You want to use the unique chance to celebrate AEGEE-Riga 9th B-day – the special chocolate cake, Riga sparkling wine, AEGEE-Riga dance, hugs and kisses included! We are 4ever YOUNG!
You want to feel the power of magic flower during the Midsummer night (night that lasts only for couple of hours!)
You want to enjoy Riga city rally, count every single step in Sigulda, put some honey on your skin in sauna, check what music is played in Riga clubs. 4ever ACTIVE
Virgin Beaches of Urla ‘ SU. AEGEE-Urla y AEGEE-Izmir.
Del 25 de junio al 9 de julio. Travel Summer University visitando Urla, Cesme, Izmir, Karaburun, Foca, Kusadası. 180€ + 40€ opcionales. 30 plazas.
Aegee-Urla welcomes you to SU 2010, which will be held in a variety of locations ; Cesme, Urla, Izmir, Kusadasi, Foca, Karaburun. Participants will have the chance to experience the green atmosphere of the Aegean Reagion, the rich history of the area and do many sports activities in nature. There will be trekking activities which will be followed by wine testing. Be sure to spend plenty of time on the gold-sand beaches of the Aegean and experience scuba-diving in the clear waters of Karaburun, famous for itsunderwater beauty.
P.S. lots of parties and limitless FUN is guaranteed!!!
The (K)nights of K’laManBa’s Castles. AEGEE-Mannheim, AEGEE-Kaiserslautern y AEGEE-Bamberg
Del 26 de junio al 10 de julio. Travel Summer University visitando Mannheim, Bamberg, Kaiserslautern, Heidelberg, Nürnberg y Neustadt. 180€ + 30€ opcionales. 20 plazas.
In ancient times Southern Germany was ruled by a great king, Lord K’laManBa. His knights were famous for their bravery, love of adventure and love of life. Now you and 19 other carefully selected Europeans who are just as cool and energetic as you are, will get the chance to become followers of Lord K’laManBa.
Do you want to climb in the trees, have a canoe-trip and drive a bike trolley? On your way you will get the chance to do this and to visit some of the most beautiful castles of Germany. Choose our SU, you won’t regret it! Lord K’laManBa is expecting you! Let’s get the adventure started!
SU d’ Orange. AEGEE-Amsterdam
Del 28 de junio al 12 de julio. Summer Event. 140€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.
Amsterdam is the city where everybody wants to go once in a lifetime. The city is known for the canals, the coffeeshops, the red light district and legally drinking alcohol when you’ re 16. Besides that people think that Amsterdam is a country by itself or that it’s near Denmark but the last is not true at all!
What else can Amsterdam offer you?
First of all we offer you the best partying experience with the biggest local in Europe and infect you with THE orange fever!
Enjoy the:European Night, get wasted, and sober up when riding a bicycle,
Don’t hesitate apply now!!
From Amsterdam to Enschede. AEGEE-Enschede y AEGEE-Amsterdam
Del 28 de junio al 12 de julio. Summer Event. 180€. 25 plazas.
This SU is special for some reasons. First it’s a SU in one of the most free-minded country’s of Europe. Second you will get to visit two locals. You will be attending each local for an equal amount of time, this way you will be seeing the Netherlands from the urban west to the more rural east.
Recuerda que puedes ver todas las SU ordenadas por fecha o por destino y bajarte el booklet.
Si aún te preguntas qué es una Summer University, aquí encontrarás información.
¡Un verano como cualquiera que puede ser como ningún otro!