Seguimos con las Summer Universities de agosto. Recuerda que el plazo para la presentación de solicitudes termina el 30 de abril, ¡no te quedes este verano en casa!
ready SUgo!. AEGEE-Brescia
Del 2al 16 de agosto. Summer Course (beginner) visitando Brescia, Verona y Venecia. 140€ + 40€ opcionales. 30 plazas.
Placed between Alpine valleys & the fertile Padana plain,right in the center of the most productive italian region,on the way from Venice to Milan,Brescia will welcome you with its unique charm. You’ll be guided through the wonderful medieval castles, the ancient Roman ruins,its museums,churches & monuments, but also its amazing surroundings: the Garda, Iseo & Moro lakes, the Prealps. Amazing sightseeing, interesting courses & debates, exciting nightlife, international dinner,games,pub crawling & unforgettable parties: Brescia,the Lioness of Italy,is going to be an unexpected pleasure for you!
Feel the SUn and blood of Spain… and party hard!. AEGEE-Madrid y AEGEE-Burgos
Del 2 al 16 de agosto. Travel Summer University visitando Madrid, Segovia, Toledo, Burgos, Covarrubias y Santo Domingo de Silos. 180€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.
Is it possible to combine city & village? Sport & salsa dance? Party & culture? Beach and mountains?
Spain is SUN and PARTY, of course (you will confirm this topic is true), but only the beginning of much more!
Discover until last corner of MADRID, our capital, known worldwide for its nightlife, but also a multicultural, splendid city full of surprises. And BURGOS, a medieval castilian city where you will be able to enjoy a stage of «El Camino de Santiago».
This GREEN TSU will guide you to discover real Spain! If you love travelling and to party everyday everywhere, this is your (T)SU!
Burning Lessons and Parties Sessions. AEGEE-Palermo
Del 2 al 16 de agosto. Language Course (beginner). 140€ + 40€ opcionales. 50 plazas.
You’ll spend two incredible weeks discovering the Sicilian seaside, the Palermitan sunburns, a unique historical and artistic heritage. Also, you’ll learn the basic steps of the most romantic language in the world and a little bit of Sicilian basic expressions with their particular body movements, and you’ll experience our crazy parties (our special tequila and toga parties!)
Let’s go straight to de Strait. AEGEE-Messina
Del 4 al 25 de agosto. Language Course + (intermediate). 270€ + 60€ opcionales. 50 plazas.
If you want to learn a bit of italian language and enjoy the funny relaxing sicilian summer way of living… then this is your event.
In the heart of mediterannean sea with his colours and smells, you will enjoy the best of Sicily, discover its history with greek temples, arabian markets, norman and spanish buildings and of course will learn Italian. We will visit the hidden beauties of Sicily: Taormina with is romantic views, Etna Volcano, Syracuse and much more. Not to mention swimming, sunbathing time and party time.
Check our website for more…
TRy the TRansylvanian TRail. AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca y AEGEE-Sibiu
Del 5 al 19 de agosto. Travel Summer University visitando Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Brasov, Sighisoara y Sighetu-Marmatiei. 180€ + 20€ opcionales. 30 plazas.
We dare you to TRy the TRansylvanian TRail! We have everything for you to experience and enjoy! Impressive nature, great cities, history to be amazed by (communist prison, Dracula’s home), ancient traditions and craftsmanship, true life, true spirit (the Romanian one), true people (us, of course!)! We’ll TRace down the TRail and we’ll draw the TRansylvanian map as we discover the genuine Dracula’s story, have a looong shot of hot, neck-burning Romanian ‘ţuică’, dance ‘till we drop, club and pub-crawl! TRavel along the TRansylvanian TRail with us, it will be a TRibute to your next summer!
Freeze the summer and catch it in a shot. AEGEE-Sofia y AEGEE-Nis
Del 5 al 19 de agosto. Travel Summer University visitando Nis, Devil’s Town, Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Varna y Balchik. 180€ + 30€ opcionales. 20 plazas.
Do you want to freeze the moment? Or maybe catch the cities in different poses? Come to Serbia and Bulgaria and take a shot! Take a green from the mountains, take a blue from the sea and you will make a real Balkan cocktail. You will enjoy it under the sun while the waves are crushing just in front of you. You want to save this moment forever! We will tell you how. You will freeze the hot summer days and and catch the crazy party nights. Touch the history and get lost in the modernity? It is possible if you decide to attend Traveling Summer University in Serbia and Bulgaria.
Catalunya: Arriba, abajo, al centro y «padentro». AEGEE-Barcelona y AEGEE-Tarragona
Del 6 al 22 de agosto. Travel Summer University visitando Barcelona, Girona, Figueres, Costa Brava, Pirineos, Delta del Ebro, etc. 200€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.
Everybody who met a spanish speaker probably knows what we say in Spain, when we are with tourists, when we toast, where you first raise your glass (arriba; up), than lower your glass (abajo; down), than clash your glasses in the middle (al centro; in the middle) and finally drink it (“padentro”; to the inside)
We will show you the nicest places of Catalunya, on the rythms of this toast:
up in the mountains,
down in the sea and rivers,
the center, Barcelona,
and inside, different villages!
Every day will be different. Any day will be boring. Every day we will have different parties.
Puedes ver todas las SU ordenadas por fecha o por destino y bajarte el booklet.
Si aún te preguntas qué es una Summer University, aquí encontrarás información.
¡Un verano como cualquiera que puede ser como ningún otro!