9th of May 2011
Chair team + JC (AGORA Alicante)
I would like to nominate Chair team and Juridical Commission which were working for Spring Agora Alicante.
This Agora was a challenge for them because of huge amount of proposals and candidates comparing to other Agorae for the last few years.
They were working from 7am and finishing work around midnight with counting ballots and preparing for the next day.
On behalf of all participants of the Agora Alicante I would like to say a big thank you for all work that you’ve done guys and wish you a good luck for Agora Skopje!
(Nominated by Alla Resheten, Secretary General of AEGEE-Europe)
2nd of May 2011
AGORA Alicante organizing team
We would like to nominate AEGEE-Alicante and whole organizing team of spring AGORA Alicante 2011 for an amazing work they have done while preparing our statutory event. Big thanks to main coordinator, Carolina Bello Martín and her team. Not only members of AEGEE-Alicante, but many other people from different Spanish locals were helping to organize one of the best Agora we had in past years. Thanks a lot for your commitment and hard work. Nominated by Miroslava Ganzarcikova on behalf of Comité Directeur 2010/2011.