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AeGeENDA nº54 – Marzo 2016

¡Buenos días AEGEEros! El mes de marzo viene cargadito de eventos y fechas límite para eventos de los meses posteriores así que estad atentos y no os perdáis los eventazos que están por llegar. EVENTOS EUROPEOS 18 CUMPLEMANOS (MAÑOS 5.0) Fecha: 22-24 de abril Lugar: Zaragoza Plazo de Solicitud: 15.03.2016 Cuota: 45€ ¿UNA FIESTA DE CUMPLEAÑOS DE AEGEE ZARAGOZA? Que,… Read more →

EPM Leiden, 25-29 febrero 2016

Cerca de 320 miembros de AEGEE participaron del 25 al 29 de febrero en el anual European Planning Meeting (EPM) en Leiden, Holanda. Durante estos días se trató uno de los temas más actuales e importantes del momento: La crisis de los refugiados. Un tema extremadamente interesante para todos los asistentes, en donde tuvieron la posibilidad de mostrar su opinión… Read more →

NEW ACTIVITY: Billiard Tournament 24-2-16

Do you want to spend an exciting and different afternoon? If your answer Is Yes!! AEGEE-Bilbao invites you to the BILLIARD TOURNAMENT!! This is an opportunity to have a great time playing in different groups and making new friends!! Wednesday 24-2-16 Billiard Tournament Also tournament winners will earn a ticket to visit the Guggenheim Museum!! Where? In the billiard local… Read more →

NEW ACTIVITY: Third Language tandem 23-2-16

We know that you are enjoying the Language Tandem, so this week we are going to repeat it:   Tuesday 23-2-16 Third Language Tandem A Language Tandem is a good way to practice the language that you’re learning, and at the same time, you will be able to help those people who are learning yours. Where and When? As always:… Read more →

NEW ACTIVITY: Saturday Bowling Afternoon!!

Hey guys!! 🙂 Since at the tandem many of you asked us if there was a plan for this weekend…..We decided to go BOWLING!!! If you want to come, please fill out this form!! 😉 Game price: 5,5€ Shoe rental: 1€ Bus: Barik Card Meeting point: Metro Abando (Exit Gran Vía) Next to the fountain!! Meeting Time: 17:00 Please… Read more →

NEW ACTIVITY: Erasmus football matches

Hey guys!! As you already know, we are thinking about organising some football matches between Erasmus students! If you would like to take part in this activity, please fill the next form!!! FORM: This form is just for checking how many people would be interested in it. If there were enough people to plan something (random matches, tournament or… Read more →