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NEW ACTIVITY: Ski day with AEGEE 27-2-16

¡¡AEGEE-Bilbao marcha a la nieve, estación de esquí de Alto Campoo (Cantabria)!! Da igual que seas un novato o un profesional con metas olímpicas, si quieres pasar un día de risas y buen rollo esquiando únete a nosotros. ¿Qué? Día de esquí/ snow en la estación de Alto Campoo. ¿Cuándo? 27 de febrero (sábado). Hora de salida: 6:30. Hora de… Read more →

NEW ACTIVITY: Alubiada con AEGEE-Bilbao!! 13-2-16

Want to make a different plan on Saturday? Try a typical Basque tradition? Join AEGEE-Bilbao in the “alubiada” we have planned for Saturday February 13th! The bean is a product of great tradition in the Basque country, cultivated in our villages for over 300 years. It’s a good opportunity to meet new people, eat, drink and have a good time…… Read more →

AeGeENDA nº53 – Febrero 2016

¿Lleváis un tiempo cansados y estresados con los exámenes? ¿Tenéis ganas de que llegue la primavera? Con la nueva estación llegan muchos eventos a los que  ya os podéis apuntar. Para poder participar…sigue leyendo! EVENTOS LOCALES Este mes nos viene cargadito. Tenemos la semana de bienvenida Erasmus del 8 al 14 de Febrero, con actividades todos los días. Podéis consultar… Read more →

NEW ACTIVITY: First tandem of AEGEE-Bilbao

Do you want to learn and practice other languages while you spend a good time with people of all around the world? Do you want to make new friends? Do you want to spend a different afternoon in a multicultural environment? If your answer is yes, AEGEE-Bilbao introduces you one of its most successful activities: The Tandem Language.  A Language… Read more →

Go to Algorta! 6-2-16

Thank you very much for coming with us yesterday to Algorta! We enjoyed a pleasant walk from Areeta to Algorta with more than 25 participants. We visited the Bridge of Biscay and then walked towards the old port of Algorta. The weather was warm, although quite windy, and we finished in a bar where we ate some pintxos to recover… Read more →