Seguimos con las Summer Universities de agosto. Recuerda que el plazo para la presentación de solicitudes termina el 30 de abril, ¡no te quedes este verano en casa!
Lost in 2 Mediterranean Islands. AEGEE-Catania y AEGEE-Cagliari
Del 6 al 23 de agosto. Travel Summer University visitando Catania, Taormina, Palermo, Cagliari, Carbonia, etc. 220€ + 40€ opcionales. 40 plazas.
Imagine a place where you can spend unforgettable days enjoying warm sun and having parties and beach activities all day long. Imagine you can visit two wonderful Islands in the Mediterranean taking part in only one event. There is just one way to make your imagination become real: apply now. Two Antennas are working together with a shared goal: to make you discover the beauties of two lands at close range, Sicily and Sardinia. Seize the opportunity and you will be thrown into two Islands under the same blue sky, and get involved in exciting activities with a double deal of Aegee Spirit.
There’s Something Fishy About Romania. AEGEE-Bucuresti y AEGEE-Sibiu
Del 7 al 21 de agosto. Travel Summer University visitando Bucarest, Brasov, Sibiu y Curmatura. 180€. 25 plazas.
Do you know what happens at night in Romanian woods? People have their minds twisted by singing and dancing spirits. Do you know that some villagers still believe in curses and perform century-old rituals to keep bad spirits away? If you are faint-hearted, palinka will make you strong! A trip in the most fascinating and mysterious Romanian regions and a European atmosphere is the combination for an unforgettable experience! Discover deepest, darkest secrets and experience our ancient legacy first hand. Do you still have doubts? Come and see what lies at the core and hidden in the shadows. Baia Mare: The heart of the Maramures county. To be discovered…
Feel the drive. AEGEE-Karlsruhe
Del 8 al 22 de agosto. Language Course (beginner and intermediate) visitando Heidelberg, Estrasburgo y Baden-Baden. 140€ + 15€ opcionales. 15 plazas.
Have you ever been to Karlsruhe, the «Gate to the black forest»? If not, you have missed something very special. This gives us a rather mediterranean climate in summer… there is even a pyramid on our market square! Karlsruhe is a «green city», nearly the half of the area of the town is covered by parks or forests. Especially the huge «Schlosspark» in the heart of the city provides many possibilities for relaxing, sun bathing and leisure activities. Besides that, Karlsruhe has a nice city center with many shops and lots of pubs and cafes and beergardens.
Bavarian Bachelor of Beer. AEGEE-Augsburg, AEGEE-Passau y AEGEE-München
Del 14 al 295 de agosto. Travel Summer University. 190€ + 35€ opcionales. 25 plazas.
The Royal University of Bavaria proudly presents its new Bachelor programme: The «Bavarian Bachelor of Beer» (BBB) is the only programme of its kind and unites the most important aspects of German culture: Beer and Bavaria!
During the 2-weeks intensive (!) course you will learn about:
– Bavarian culture and traditions (like Gstanzl, Trachten or Weisswurst)
– Beautiful countryside of south Germany (mountains, rivers, lakes and endless green fields)
– The best German cuisine
And of course… BEER! Lots of Beer!
So beeready to make your Degree in Bavarian culture!
Through Sicily Unconditionally!. AEGEE-Agrigento y AEGEE-Palermo
Del 18 de agosto al 1 de septiembre. Travel Summer University visitando . 180€ + 40€ opcionales. 50 plazas.
You’ll spend two incredible weeks going from the North coast to the South coast of Sicily, running from the Phoenichans to the old Greeks, starting with Arabs dooms and ending with Sicilian Baroque. You’ll become brown under our full-sun, you’ll see the best beaches and you’ll enjoy our tipycal food and drinks. But most of all, once you tasted, you’ll never forget the authentic sea.
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¡Un verano como cualquiera que puede ser como ningún otro!