Y seguimos con julio… Recuerda que el plazo para la presentación de solicitudes finaliza el 30 de abril.
EASTory – What mystery does the wild east hide?. AEGEE-Lublin y AEGEE-Warszawa
Del 12 al 26 de julio. Travel Summer University. 180€. 25 plazas.
Hey You! Yes, You! You probably think that this will be just another Travelling SU. You will see some monuments, meet new people and have great time. Nothing out of ordinary… But are you sure? Just have a closer look and you will see that you are in the middle of the ultimate mystery. To solve it you will have not only to visit 5 beautiful cities and towns in southern and eastern Poland but also go deep into the polish history. But beware because not everybody is happy that you are digging into the past. Some things should stay buried forever. Are you brave enough to take this challenge?
poLAND of Extreme!!. AEGEE-Poznan y AEGEE-Torun
Del 12 al 26 de julio. Travel Summer University visitando Torun, Biskupin, Wagrowiec y Poznan. 180€ + 20€ opcionales. 30 plazas.
Do you want to visit ‘extreme’ places, meet ‘extreme’ people and experience ‘extreme’ adventures?Are you ready to explore ‘extreme’ culture, do ‘extreme’ sports and have fun at ‘extreme’ parties? If you are bold enough to say ‘YES’, come to Poland – land of rich history and unique culture! It is land of beautiful places, where the climate is temperate, and the people are crazy but warm and friendly.Get ready for many attractions waiting just for YOU!! Don’t think any longer which SU You should choose!We are waiting for You to show You the real polish hospitality– with bread, salt and vodka.
Sailing through Europe. AEGEE-Groningen
Del 13 al 28 de julio. Summer Event visitando Groningen y la isla Schiermonnikoog. 150€ + 26€ opcionales. 30 plazas.
Sailing across the borders of Holland.
We will set sail in Groningen where we will explore the Dutch culture. We will sail across the border to the next port. Will it be yours? A new day, a new culture! For fourteen days we will explore cultures of all Europe. Of course we will not forget our own. Walking the bottom of the sea, visiting the lovely island of Schiermonnikoog and experience the tremendous nightlife of Groningen!
Building AEGEE Bridges. AEGEE-Kragujevac Sarajevo.
Del 13 al 27 de julio. Travel Summer University visitando Kragujevac, Vrnjacka Banja, Cacak, Drvengrad, Visegrad, Mostar y Sarajevo. 170€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.
Experience the beauty of West and Central Serbia by traveling through Shumadia region. Magnificent landscapes will leave you breathless. Take part in the famous Vrnjacka Banja carnival. Visit ethno villages, monasteries, museums, national parks… Expand your AEGEE horizons by exploring different cultures, traditions and through meeting many interesting, energetic people from these two great nations. Especially Bosnia and AEGEE Sarajevo, who will participate with AEGEE Kragujevac in this TSU, and who are yet to be founded (this february at the Krakow EBM).
YOUrney to the Centre of th Netherlands. AEGEE-Utrecht y AEGEE-Maastricht
Del 13 al 27 de julio. Travel Summer University visitando Utrecht, Rotterdam, Delft, Den Haag, Amsterdam y Maastricht. 180€ + 30€ opcionales. 20 plazas.
There is a place, a special place, a place where everything happens, from cultural to political activities. A place full of life, debate, culture and much more. This is a place that will be the meeting point for us all: the Centre. And this year you have the opportunity to be there, to travel to the centre, to meet new people, to debate with them and have fun!
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¡Un verano como cualquiera que puede ser como ningún otro!