¡Elige tu Summer University! – Julio V

Y más Summer Universities del mes de julio. ¿Ya has elegido la tuya? Puedes presentar tu solicitud hasta el el 30 de abril.

ALC Confidential. AEGEE-Alicante
Del 15 al 26 de julio. Summer Event visitando Alicante, Elche, Calpe y Jijona. 110€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.

LEVANTE: where the sun rises
This is the name we give to the east coast of Spain, the place where Alicante is located. A sun-filled, joyful place.
This year the Summer University in Alicante will be action-packed. We want you–
To experience the very best of Spanish culture. To laugh, to laugh a lot! To run on the beach and jump as high as the tops of the palm trees. To fly! (over the rainbow… so high…). To enjoy, kiss, cry (only at the end!). To party all night long and dance until you drop into your bed!
ALC means many things… Come and discover what it means for you!

Land of Fire Azerbaijan. AEGEE-Baki
Del 15 al 29 de julio. Language Course (beginner) visitando Baku, Shaki e Ismailli. 140€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.

The Azerbaijani language, also called Azari is the official language of Republic of Azerbaijan. There are approximately 23 to 30 million natives Azerbaijani speakers (circa 16 to 23 million in Iran, 9 million in the Azerbaijan Republic, and 800,000 in other smaller communities according to Ethnology) Besides exploring and learning Azerbaijani language, we are going to have a fun through making parties, dancing games, enjoying Azerbaijani music and dancing at nights as well as spend our time on the coasts of the Caspian Sea making elegant seaside promenade along the boulevard at night time.

Cross Your Borders. AEGEE-Kraków
Del 15 al 29 de julio. Summer Event visitando Kraków, Lanckorona, Wieliczka y Auschwitz. 140€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.

Would you like to exceed your limits?
Would you like to defeat your fears?
Have you always wanted to do something but didn’t have enough courage?
Now it’s the time! Come to Kraków and just do it!
Have you always wanted to go zorbing or canoeing, sleep under the stars, learn poll dancing, milk the cow or become a bride/groom? Experience all this stuff in Kraków among beautiful sites of the cultural capital of Poland, accompanied by amazing young people who will support you and keep up your spirits? These are just a few activities we’ll prepare for you!

 Meet the Balkans. AEGEE-Pátra y AEGEE-Novi Sad
Del 15 al 30 de julio. Travel Summer University visitando Novi Sad, Beograd, Patra y Zakynthos. 180€ + 40€ opcionales. 35 plazas.

THIS SUMMER, AEGEE-Patra and AEGEE-Novi Sad call you to take part in this special event: Balkan wedding! The beautiful bride is from Novi Sad, the lovely groom is from Patra. And now it’s time for the wedding! The date? July 2010!
The wedding starts in Novi Sad where the bridemaids gather for the preparations. Then it’s time for the bride’s family to make the unique trip through the Balkans and end in Patra. After the wedding, there is the honeymoon in Zakynthos with a boat trip around the island!
Feasts will last two whole weeks and we expect only AEGEE spirit!
Are you going to miss it?

PEIRates of the Aegean: the RODOS conquest. AEGEE-Peiraiás y AEGEE-Rodos
Del 15 al 29 de julio. Travel Summer University visitando Athens, Piraeus y Rhodos. 180€ + 30€ opcionales. 30 plazas.

Attention Attention!!
A treasure hunt is about to start… An old map of Rodos has just been found by the pirates!The golden key is possessed by the knights.But a clue is still missing…the code to read the map!30 pirates and knights from Europe will gather on July 15th in Athens.Following the traces in the narrow alleys of the Old City,they will end up to the dark Peiraias Port.After finding the clue nothing can stop them from departing secretly on a blue moon night to Rodos.Passing through the Butterflies Valley and the Castle of Knights,will they finally find the legendary treasure?

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¡Un verano como cualquiera que puede ser como ningún otro!

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