Más Summer Universities de julio.
Let Me EnterTrain You!. AEGEE-Athina
Del 17 al 31 de julio. Summer Course visitando Atenas y Nayplion. 140€ + 40€ opcionales. 40 plazas.
Do you want to test your Endurance? Are you ready for a breathtaking experience under the blistering sun, by the endless Aegean Sea? First you will, discover the culture and ancient monuments spreading all over Athens, then exhausted by the day’s rally, experience the famous local nightlife and find out out how Greek students have fun!!Then join us in, Nayplion, where time stands still in the ‘old’ city. Finally ride alongside Arion to our secret island, a paradise full of sports, memorable nightlife and scenery. A summer full of culture, sports and crazy parties waits. Are you in or out?
Dancing through Calabria III Edition. AEGEE-Cosenza
Del 17 al 31 de julio. Language Course (beginner) visitando Cosenza, Fuscaldo, Tropea, Gizzeria, San Lucido, Fiumefreddo y Diamante. 140€ + 30€ opcionales. 45 plazas.
Taste true Mediterranean cuisine, drink great wine, dance all over Calabria! Set in the most characteristic seaside historical towns and in the city of Cosenza, our SU participants will enjoy two weeks of learning the romantic and joyful Italian language, as well as the traditions and culture of the people of the Calabria region through hands-on experiences inside and outside the classroom. Each year, the SU Organizing Team is more motivated to host young people from all over Europe and learn from each other to create those memories which last a lifetime.
Ukraine Your Summer. AEGEE-Dnipropetrowsk y AEGEE-Lviv
Del 17 al 31 de julio. Travel Summer University visitando Lviv, Yevpatoriya, Sevastopol y Bakhchisaray. 180€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.
Have you ever tried “Ukrainian summer”? Be sure – it’s totally different from any other summer, cause we’ll do here everything in Ukrainian way! You will have a chance to learn Ukrainian way of speaking, eating, drinking, cook your own perogies, dance Ukrainian dances, survive in market bargaining and so on and of course partying!
During two weeks you will learn how to Ukraine yourself in the beautiful city of Lviv, where incredibly mixed old European culture and original Ukrainian spirit, and to swim in the warmest and most beautiful part of the Black Sea in Crimea.
Meet you in Ukraine!
Sissi goes rafting – From Danube to Adriatic. AEGEE-Wien, AEGEE-Maribor y AEGEE-Nova Gorica-Gorizia
Del 17 de julio al 1 de agosto. Travel Summer University visitando. 200€ + 35€ opcionales. 35 plazas.
We will take you on a trip from the legendary river Danube to the marvelous and sunny Slovenian Adriatic coast.
Do you believe that culture and sightseeing can go together with excitement and adventure?
Would you mix Empress Sisi with David Guetta and Indiana Jones? We would!
Come to a TSU that is as diverse as its landscapes – sightseeing, sexy parties, workshops, games, wild (party) animals, astonishing nature
Explore the monuments of the former Habsburg Empire in Vienna and Graz but beware! adventure awaits you while we follow our path to the Adria through Maribor, Postojna and Nova Gorica
Lost in Translation. AEGEE-Leiden
Del 18 de julio al 1 de agosto. Summer Course (beginner) visitando Leiden, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag y Noordwijk. 140€ + 30€ opcionales. 25 plazas.
Holland has the reputation of being a tolerant and multicultural society, and Leiden has always been an immigrant-city: back in the 17th century people came to our city to find religious freedom. Nowadays, the city Rotterdam covers about 170 different nationalities. We want to introduce different cultures to you, from former Dutch colonies as Suriname to upcoming societies as China. We will choose different ways to show you both Dutch culture as many others, by lectures, museums and activities!
Fever on the River. AEGEE-Samara
Del 18 al 31 de julio. Summer Event. 140€. 15 plazas.
How about spending your summer in the biggest country in the world, near the biggest river in Europe? To start with, we gonna warm up our brain, i.e. investigate physical and mental borders of Europe together with Where Does Europe End project. But after that we gonna warm up our bodies in the golden shores of the Volga river. As a relaxation therapy, we’ll spend a couple of days in tents in an Open-air Folk Music Festival. Then, in an Ethnic Village you’ll feel the Russian spirit while trying on the national weapons, testing yourself in archery or sword-fighting, sailing under the veils of ancient Dukes and just tasting warm goat milk. We’re eager to introduce to you the Russia you never thought of before!
El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes termina el 30 de abril. Puedes ver todas las SU ordenadas por fecha o por destino y bajarte el booklet. Si aún te preguntas qué es una Summer University, aquí encontrarás información.
¡Un verano como cualquiera que puede ser como ningún otro!