Dear AEGEEans,
We are pleased to announce the results of the Open Calls announced in January 2021, based on the decision of the Board made on February 8, 2021:
Erasmus Projects Working Group Leader: Bálint Caesar
European Responsible: Laura Sági
Fundraising Working Group Leader: Lili Szumutku
Human Resources Working Group Leader: Réka Tóth
Public Relations Working Group Leader: Zsuzsanna Simor
Alumni Coordinator: Balázs Kovács
Summer University Core Team:
- Main Coordinator: Deng Jie
- Incoming Responsible: Christian Moya
- Logistics Coordinator: Zsófia Fülöp
Europe on Track – Training for Ambassadors Main Organizer: Péter Völcsei
Based on the decision of the General Assembly of AEGEE-Budapest held on February 10th 2021, the members of the newly elected Advisory Board are:
- Árpád Bozzay
- János Burgyán
- Dorottya Zanaty
Congratulations to all of our members for being elected and we wish them a successful semester to make their plans happen!
Best regards,
The Board